Saturday, May 19, 2012

Praying More

We have grown so much since I last blogged about our family. We added a new little man to the family and everyone has had a birthday. We are at 9, 7, 2 and a little at 2 months. Needless to say, we are really busy. We are finishing up the last couple weeks of school and then my big girl is going off to church camp for the first time. I'm really freaked out  excited for her:) The same week my terrible terrific two year old starts mothers day out.
 Things have been so bonkers with all the construction, potty training, nursing every three hours during the day and big kids school stuff that you would think my brain would be mush but actually it's just driven me to pray more and worry less. God is working it out. Having a big family has made me depend on God so much more, you name it: patience, money, raising the kids etc... he has all the answers, thank goodness someone does!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption

7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

I've been doing a little reading this year.. If you want to read something that is going to change your life and the way you see everything in a big way then these books will do it for you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Easter, Soccer, Watermelon, Chess for Champs, Friends, Life, Love and Hope for what is to come....
Did you know that the biblical definition for hope is confident expectation? I love that! Our lives are overflowing with confident expectation!

He drinks too much!

Liam drinks too much water! Too much water? Couldn't possibly drink too much water right? Well if you drink enough to make yourself throw up, then you can drink too much water! Look at how cute he is though....He's even cute when he's being naughty and really cute putting himself in timeout.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers day is fast approaching and I find myself reflecting on all the mothers, that in my life have shaped the "better mother in me". I wouldn't consider myself a "worlds greatest mother type of mom", but I'm not terrible and I hate to think of the mother I would be if God had not so strategically placed all the right mommies in my life at just the right time. First I will start with my biological mom taught me if it is the very last thing you do in life, pray for your children! My second mom taught me that you can really love a child as your own even if you didn't give birth to them.I think back to a couple of years before I was a mother, and a good friend of mine had just had her first baby. I watched her struggle to nurse her baby, she persevered and had success, it was beautiful. Then my mother-in-law taught me about healthy foods I watched her and I think willed myself to eat and enjoy foods I never liked so that I too could be like her and give my children a healthy start. My friend Salley taught me that to instill the word of God in my children would be the most important thing I could do for them (she is so right). The word does not return void, and children will grow up and know how to do life not perfect, but with righteousness and love for God and others in mind and heart. And last but not least Elizabeth, for teaching me to not worry so much about the disaster that my house is and I can still have friends over when everything looks like a tornado's a lesson in not sweating the small stuff! I know I'm missing so many, but in my mind when I do something "right" I think not because of me but because of the mommies I have learned from. All glory to God, for using people for good regardless of them even realizing.